Phiadaria // Rules
the rules for Phiadaria everyone has to follow
The PhiadariaSoft rules apply as soon as you log into your account over the Game client, the Website, the Gamesuite or any other service we provide. They also apply for services we provide, not requiring a personal authentication. Not knowing them or atleast pretending to does not protect against a possible punishment.
1.2 Names containing nonsensical combinations of letters or numbers (e.g. T4ndfgghdfhg) are forbidden.
1.3 Names to identify yourself as staff member or claiming to have an official position (e.g. Hepipud, GM, Tutor) are forbidden.
2.2 Repeating identical or similar statements within a short period of time or use of nonsensical or badly formatted text ("spamming") is forbidden.
3.2 The use of tools to automatically perform or repeat certain actions without any interaction by the player (macros) are forbidden.
3.3 Tools which offer the possibility of gaining Experience without any interaction by the player (Auto SD / Cave Bot) will lead to an instant account deletion.
3.4 Account / Player sharing with another person, even a familty member (e.g. Brother, Sister) is forbidden.
3.5 Training skills while away from keyboard (AFK) is forbidden while tools are in use performing actions to prevent an automated kick (auto-kick)
3.6 Any unofficial software used while playing Phiadaria to modify or interfere in the game is strictly forbidden and will result in an exclusion from the game.
5.2 Asking Gamemasters or above to unban your characters or account, to transfer houses or for teleports is forbidden.
1. Character Names
1.1 Names containing hard insults (e.g. Asshole), racism (e.g. Nigger) or extreme right-wing / political (e.g. Hitler) are strictly forbidden! Even parts of a name looking like pretending such a violation are forbidden.1.2 Names containing nonsensical combinations of letters or numbers (e.g. T4ndfgghdfhg) are forbidden.
1.3 Names to identify yourself as staff member or claiming to have an official position (e.g. Hepipud, GM, Tutor) are forbidden.
2. Statements
2.1 Insulting, racist, extreme right-wing, sexist, harassing or generally offensive statements are strictly forbidden.2.2 Repeating identical or similar statements within a short period of time or use of nonsensical or badly formatted text ("spamming") is forbidden.
3. Cheating
3.1 Exploiting errors of the game (so called bugs) are strictly forbidden. Any error you find has to be reported using the in-game report function ctrl + z.3.2 The use of tools to automatically perform or repeat certain actions without any interaction by the player (macros) are forbidden.
3.3 Tools which offer the possibility of gaining Experience without any interaction by the player (Auto SD / Cave Bot) will lead to an instant account deletion.
3.4 Account / Player sharing with another person, even a familty member (e.g. Brother, Sister) is forbidden.
3.5 Training skills while away from keyboard (AFK) is forbidden while tools are in use performing actions to prevent an automated kick (auto-kick)
3.6 Any unofficial software used while playing Phiadaria to modify or interfere in the game is strictly forbidden and will result in an exclusion from the game.
4. Player Killing
4.1 Excessive killing of unmarked players will lead to an automated banishment of the account.5. Gamemasters and above
5.1 Begging Gamemasters or above for items, experience, spoilers or anything else offering you an advantage against others is forbidden.5.2 Asking Gamemasters or above to unban your characters or account, to transfer houses or for teleports is forbidden.